• PHYSICALLY – Hormones are now released in the body that were not there before.  The adolescent will experience feelings, moods and emotions that (s)he has not yet felt. 
  • PERCEIVING OTHERS – Hormones and experiences impact the teen’s perception of self and others, especially his/her perception of the opposite sex. 
    • FAMILY – No longer sees the adolescent as a kid, but as a teenager. 
    • FRIENDS – See him/her as they see themselves, as a changed and changing individual. 
    • OPPOSITE SEX – No longer sees the teen as just a boy or a girl, but now as A BOY! or A GIRL! and as a potential relationship mate. 
    • SOCIETY – Viewed now as a possible trouble maker and no longer as an innocent child. 
    • RULES – The community and society have either rules for adults or children.  Very few, if any specifically for adolescents.  The teen must be able to determine which rules apply to the teenager at what time.